
musings on startup, life, books and etc etc

Random tidbits from the web!

That closeness of life somehow both elevated my own sense of solitude and aloneness and strangely made it all the more nostalgic. Almost as if in the moment, I was already looking back on the moment. Here were thousands of lives I’d never be part of, and yet got to experience, if only for a fleeting second. -Craig Mod -

On mastering your thoughts and controlling attention

You are sitting in a conference room with a room full of people and everyone’s talking about the launch plan the team has been working on for the last one week. Your most senior member of the product marketing team has just finished his 5 min overview of the entire sequence. Everyone is looking at you with an expectant face, you are aware of the faces staring blankly at you, you know you are supposed to give your thoughts.


From A Hackerfarm To YCombinator

Imagine a farmhouse, with cattles, hen, ducks, and trees, lots and lots of trees, from mangoes and jackfruits to wild bushes, alongside huts made of tree trunks and coconut leaves… Now put some high-speed 4G routers, a couple of solar panels, electric unicycles and then top it off with a bunch of hackers living there. How does it look like in your mind? Unimaginable, a place so removed from the cusp of modernity yet at the very edge of an internet revolution, with people working on Ethereum (https://ezether.


The World After COVID

The World After Covid-19 When a force is placed on a material, the material stretches or compresses in response to the force. We are all familiar with materials like rubber which stretch very easily. What happens when the stress is removed depends on how far the atoms have been moved. There are broadly two types of deformation: Elastic deformation - When the stress is removed the material returns to the dimension it had before the load was applied.


Deciding What To Build NEXT?

Reposted from my original post Medium Deciding What To Build NEXT? – HelloMeets – Medium Product Managers are an interesting lot. Talk to any PM about their product and they would have a hundreds of different ideas about features they want to add to their product. With hundreds of ideas and feature requests from users inundating a PM’s ideabook, the question that often bothers a PM is deciding what to build next?


Why Startup?

When do you decide to do startup? Is starting up intentional or is it a result of doing things that you like out of natural curiosity and unintentionally stumbling upon an opportunity that you decide to capitalize on hoping a home run :) That’s the question that have bugged me for quite a long time. The common answer seems to be that you create products to solve a pain problem that you have faced or a pain problem that you have discovered others have.


The Product Manager Workflow

Having a shared understanding of the Product Development process at any startup is arguably one of the most important thing at a startup. At a very early stage when there are just 4 founders, hacking together a product, having a streamlined process of planning, roadmapping and QA might not be hugely important. In fact, putting up a process could actually hinder product development as features may get stuck at the planning phase and there would always be something more to work on.


BlockGiving - A decentralized giving network

Colony Hackathon Submission A decentalized, self-perpuating, cross-border giving network on top of COLONY Project Description Goal: To create a self-perpetuating, decentralized, cross-borders, Giving Platform. Overview: We aim to create a platform where users can create projects, work on projects and fund projects to help people around the globe. By the nature of design of the platform, there is a complete transparency in the way the funding works and the way funds are disbursed.


Notes from Learning How to Learn

Notes from the fantastic course on INTRO/FOCUSED VS. DIFFUSED THINKING Can only be in one or the other Diffused when writing, write in diffuse mode, edit in focused mode to engage diffuse brain - before writing, mind-mapping/clustering - take a paper, hold landscape when you write, you want to create new things, think of new relationships. DON’T EDIT WHILE YOU WRITE writeordie.


On Deliberate Practice And Compounded Growth In Learning

Skill is a result of focussed and consistent practice. When you are learning to improve, the initial rate of skill acquired is usually a flat line. A great quote from Ira Glass “What nobody tells people who are beginners — and I really wish someone had told this to me … is that all of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste.

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